Turmeric Ginger Tea Recipe with Cinnamon, Lemon and Honey - Rainbow Delicious (2024)

A soothing tea with turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, honey and lemon. This tea can be enjoyed warm, hot or cold and it perfect during winter.

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I love starting my day off with warm lemon water, but during cold and flu season I take it up a notch with this turmeric ginger tea recipe.

Turmeric Ginger Tea Recipe with Cinnamon, Lemon and Honey - Rainbow Delicious (1)

While it can be enjoyed all year round, it is especially perfect for winter, and is soothing when feeling under the weather.

Turmeric Ginger Tea Recipe with Cinnamon, Lemon and Honey - Rainbow Delicious (2)

All you need for this tea is fresh ginger, fresh turmeric, honey, lemon and cinnamon. If you can’t find fresh turmeric you can substitute with 1/4 teaspoon ground turmeric, and it is still amazing.

Turmeric Ginger Tea Recipe with Cinnamon, Lemon and Honey - Rainbow Delicious (3)

I like to use my french press for this, but you could really use any heat-proof pitcher/container that is big enough with a fine strainer. This turmeric ginger tea is good hot, warm or cold; my personal preference is heated. This recipe makes 4 cups, but I’m the only one in my family who drinks it, so it lasts me a day or two. I store whatever I’m not drinking in the fridge, to be heated up later.

Turmeric Ginger Tea Recipe

Turmeric Ginger Tea Recipe with Cinnamon, Lemon and Honey - Rainbow Delicious (4)

Turmeric Ginger Tea Recipe with Cinnamon, Lemon and Honey - Rainbow Delicious (5)

This turmeric ginger tea recipe includes the flavor ratios that I like best, but feel free to play around. If you want it more tart, add extra lemon. Too sweet? add less honey. Turmeric is too bitter/strong for you? Skip it and just do ginger.Too spicy? Add less ginger.

Turmeric Ginger Tea Recipe with Cinnamon, Lemon and Honey - Rainbow Delicious (6)

Fresh Ginger Grate a four inch piece of fresh ginger, it should come out to about 1/4 cup once grated. I use thisgrater plate, but any grater works. If you don’t have a suitable grater, feel free to simply finely chop the ginger. I don’t peel the ginger first since I strain the tea, but you can if you want.

Fresh Turmeric Grate a 1 inch piece of turmeric. If you have trouble finding fresh turmeric, substituting with 1/4 teaspoon ground turmeric is fine.

Cinnamon Use 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon. If you have whole cinnamon sticks you could also use one instead… I have never done this, but I plan to try it out at some point.

Fresh Lemon Juice Squeeze one large lemon for about 1 oz (2 tablespoons) of lemon juice. If you like it extra lemony you can add juice from another half or whole lemon, I sometimes do this.

Raw Organic Honey Add about 1/2 tablespoon per cup or 2 tablespoons in total, or to taste. I love this raw & unfiltered honey.

To make this tea, boil more than 4 cups of water in your kettle. While the water is boiling, grate the fresh ginger and turmeric, and place in a heatproof pitcher (I use my French press). Add 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon to pitcher as well. Once water is heated, add four cups to your pitcher and give it a little stir. Let sit and steep for 15-20 minutes. Strain mixture (using french press plunger or fine mesh sieve) Add lemon and honey to strained tea, either to the entire mixture or pour in cups and add individually (I usually add it all at once). You can enjoy thisturmeric ginger tea recipe warm, hot or cold.

Turmeric Ginger Tea Recipe with Cinnamon, Lemon and Honey - Rainbow Delicious (7)

Turmeric Ginger Tea Recipe with Cinnamon, Lemon and Honey - Rainbow Delicious (8)

Turmeric Ginger Tea Recipe with Cinnamon, Lemon and Honey - Rainbow Delicious (9)

5 from 28 votes


Turmeric Ginger Tea Recipe with Cinnamon, Honey and Lemon

A soothing tea with turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, honey and lemon. This tea can be enjoyed warm, hot or cold and it perfect during winter.


CuisineAmerican, Indian

Keywordcinnamon, ginger, honey, lemon, tea, turmeric

Prep Time 10 minutes

Cook Time 20 minutes

Total Time 30 minutes

Servings 4

Calories 37 kcal

Author Emily


  • 1/4cupfreshly grated gingerthis about a 4 inch piece of ginger
  • 1inchfresh turmeric, gratedcan substitute with 1/4 teaspoon ground turmeric
  • 1/4teaspooncinnamon
  • 2tablespoonsraw, organic honey
  • 1lemonsjuice the lemon for about 1 oz fresh lemon juiceYou can add juice from another half or whole lemon if you like it really lemony
  • 4cupswater


  1. Boil four cups of water in your tea kettle. While water is boiling, grate the fresh ginger and turmeric.

    Turmeric Ginger Tea Recipe with Cinnamon, Lemon and Honey - Rainbow Delicious (10)

  2. In heatproof pitcher, such as a french press, add ginger, turmeric and cinnamon.

    Turmeric Ginger Tea Recipe with Cinnamon, Lemon and Honey - Rainbow Delicious (11)

  3. Add four cups of the heated water to your pitcher and give it a little stir. If using french press you can then add the lid, but do not plunge the strainer yet. Set timer for 15-20 minutes.

    Turmeric Ginger Tea Recipe with Cinnamon, Lemon and Honey - Rainbow Delicious (12)

  4. When timer goes off, strain mixture using plunger with French press, or fine sieve if using another pitcher.

    Turmeric Ginger Tea Recipe with Cinnamon, Lemon and Honey - Rainbow Delicious (13)

  5. Add lemon and honey to strained tea. You can add 2 T honey and 1 freshly squeezed lemon to the entire strained mixture or pour tea in cups and add lemon and honey individually to taste.

  6. Enjoy this turmeric ginger tea recipe warm, hot or cold. Store any leftover tea in the refrigerator for another time.

    Turmeric Ginger Tea Recipe with Cinnamon, Lemon and Honey - Rainbow Delicious (14)

Nutrition Facts

Turmeric Ginger Tea Recipe with Cinnamon, Honey and Lemon

Amount Per Serving (1 cup)

Calories 37Calories from Fat 1

% Daily Value*

Fat 0.1g0%

Sodium 1mg0%

Potassium 26mg1%

Carbohydrates 10g3%

Fiber 0.2g1%

Sugar 10.1g11%

Protein 0.1g0%

Calcium 3mg0%

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

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If you make this turmeric ginger tea recipe please share on instagram using hashtag #rainbowdelicious & and tag me at@rainbowdelicious, I’d love to see what you are up to in your kitchen!

Turmeric Ginger Tea Recipe with Cinnamon, Lemon and Honey - Rainbow Delicious (15)

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Turmeric Ginger Tea Recipe with Cinnamon, Lemon and Honey - Rainbow Delicious (2024)


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Name: Rubie Ullrich

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.